Faction Rank

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Faction Rank can be used to level up the army. The more battles the Hero wins, the more land they conquer, the enemies they allow to surrender, the more impressive feats they accomplish in the form of side objectives, the higher their Faction Rank; which unlocks more technology and other new abilities.

The faction rank points can be gained the following methods:

  • Faction XP.png Capturing enemies during chapters and the medal arenas.
  • Faction XP.png Seizing villages and castles in missions.
  • Faction XP.png Fighting well, with a maximum of 75 points each mission. This will involve completing the chapter in time and not losing whole squads.
  • Faction XP.png Completing bonus objectives during missions.
  • Faction XP.png Conversations, outside of battle.

After gaining all tech points, the player will from then on, start acquiring Proof of Merit.png Proof of Merits for every 50 points. The amount needed will then increase by points every time. The third proof is gained at 60 points, for example.

Faction Rank
Level Faction XP.png Rank Faction XP.png Total Total Research Points
Private - - 0


75 75 2


150 225 5

Sergeant First Class

225 450 10

Second Lieutenant

300 750 17

First Lieutenant

375 1125 25


450 1575 35


525 2100 45


600 2700 55

Brigadier General

825 3525 67

Lieutenant General

975 4500 81


750 5250 93

General of the Army

750 6000 108

Proof of Merit

50, 55, 60... 6050... 108