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Technology is a gameplay element used to build better equipment, refine battle tactics, improve magic and dragon taming, and produce firearms. It can be advanced during the Home Base sequence between chapters. In total, there are 49 technologies to be unlocked, with the following amounts for each tier:

  • Tier 1, 15 technologies.
  • Tier 2, 15 technologies.
  • Tier 3, 13 technologies
  • Tier 4, 6 technologies.

In order to unlock all technologies, the player character needs to acquire 108 tech points. These are gained by increasing Faction Rank.


Unlocking ranks

Tier 1 technologies, require one tech point, with the second rank requiring two points. This rule applies to the third and forth rank as well.

The fourth rank can only be unlocked by gaining all technology of the segment. For example, the Dragon Bond technology can only be unlocked by having all technology from the Academy of War column. The only two expections are the Grand Army and Musketeering technology, they require full technology from two colunms.

Academy of War

Academy of War
IMG Name Tier Notes Cost Requirements Effected Units
Apprentice Training Apprentice Training I Unlocks a recruitment slot for Minimap Apprentice.pngApprentice units in the marketplace. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Gold.png Shop

Mentorship Mentorship I Non-leader units in the squad now gain LDR.png Leadership at a modest pace, up to below 10 of the current squad leader Leadership score. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Merchant Envoys Alpha.png

Merchant Envoys I Expands the item trader and mercenary pools and thus giving the player more opportunities to acquire items and experienced mercenaries. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Gold.png Shop

Zones of Control Alpha.png

Zones of Control I Enemy units can no longer move free around your troops and incur movement penalties when crossing tile adjacent to your squads. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Battle Medics Alpha.png

Battle Medics I All Support classes gain HP.png +20 Maximum hit points. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Medic.png Minimap Priestess.png Minimap Templar.png Minimap Hospitaller.png Minimap Oracle.png Cleric Cleric Savior Savior Avatar of Donar Avatar of Donar General

Dragon Trainer Alpha.png

Dragon trainer II Increases class points gained during combat for Drakeling, Dragon, and Dragon Rider classes by 25%. It also increases the odds of them appearing as mercenaries by an unknown amount. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Drakeling.png Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png

Martial Traditions Alpha.png

Martial Traditions II All units gain class points 15% faster. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Mentorship Mentorship

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Warhorse Husbandry Alpha.png

Warhorse Husbandry II All Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry cavalry units gain HP.png +50 maximum hitpoints.
(Does not apply to Hospitaller)
Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap General.png

Sisterhood of Justice Alpha.png

Sisterhood of Justice II Minimap Acolyte.pngAcolytes, Minimap Paladin.pngPaladins, Minimap Valkyrie.pngValkyrie, Minimap Diana.pngExemplar and Minimap Diana.pngTitan units gain additional defense against magic, dependent on a portion of their armor. It's not known how this precisely works. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Diana.png Minimap Diana.png

Sisterhood of Mercy Alpha.png Sisterhood of Mercy II Minimap Medic.png Medic, Minimap Priestess.png Priestess, Minimap Templar.png Templar and Minimap Hospitaller.png Hospitaller units take 25% less damage when a Minimap Paladin.png Paladin, Minimap Valkyrie.png Valkyrie, Minimap Diana.png Exemplar or Minimap Diana.png Titan is present in the squad. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Battle Medics Alpha.png Battle Medics

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Medic.png Minimap Priestess.pngMinimap Templar.png Minimap Hospitaller.png

Mage Regiments Alpha.png

Mage Regiments III All Magician and Support units are no longer classified as Slow Infantry slow units, instead they are Heavy Infantry heavy infantry and thus the squad will have a higher movement. The Slow Infantry slow unit squad type is then abolished as a result. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Martial Traditions Alpha.png Martial Traditions

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Medic.png Minimap Priestess.png Minimap Templar.png Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.png Minimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).png Minimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Dark Mage.png Minimap Necromancer.png Archmage

Magician's Initiative Alpha.png

Magician's Initiative III Spells with a charge time are cast on the first turn when in the offense mode. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).pngMinimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Necromancer.png

Hex Mastery Alpha.png

Hex Mastery III Status Effects can be inflicted more often, if Dragons or Magicians have an attack which does so. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.png Minimap Mage (Lightning).pngMinimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Dark Mage.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Queen of Dragons

Spirit Piercing Alpha.png

Spirit Piercing III Magic attacks from now will ignore 25% of the enemy's magic resistance. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.pngMinimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).pngMinimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Dark Mage.png Minimap Necromancer.png Archmage Minimap Devoa B.png Minimap Lindly B.png Minimap Drakeling.png Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Azure King Minimap Hand of Zanatus Dragon Rider.png Queen of Dragons

Dragon Bond Alpha.png

Dragon Bond IV Flying.png Dragons gain access to their tier 4 class, which is their final class. Proof of Merit.png Proofs of Merit can they be used on individual units. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Academy of War techs

Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png

IMG Name Tier Notes Cost Requirements Effected Units

Army Stables Alpha.png

Army Stables I Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Cavalry squad perform charge attacks easier. Instead of moving 7 squares before the attack, the requirement for charge attacks is 6 squares. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Hospitaller.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap General.png

Mixed Unit Tactic Alpha.png

Mixed Unit Tactic I Each unit gains +3 weapon power for each different type of unit added to the squad. It starts from the second unit type. Thus with 5 unit type, the weapon power bonus would +12. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Identify Command Structure Alpha.png

Identify Command Structure I This adds the attack type Target Leader Target Leader, which grants +35% Hit at the expense of -25% avoid. It also aims to take down the leader or units protecting the leader. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Phych Warfare Alpha.png

Phych Warfare I Defeating enemy squad leaders causes more Morale.png Morale damage. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Standing Army Alpha.png

Standing Army I All New conscripts start at +1 level and with half of the class mastery. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Gold.png Shop

Strategic Maneuvers Alpha.png

Strategic Maneuvers II Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Cavalry squads now deal more Morale.png morale damage with a charge attack. Requires Army stables. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Army Stables Alpha.png Army Stables

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Hospitaller.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap General.png

Polearm Mastery Alpha.png

Polearm Mastery II Polearm Warrior.png Polearm units now grant bonus attack and defense versus melee to any adjacent unit. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Risen Spearman.png

Adaptive Battlefield Command Alpha.png

Adaptive Battlefield Command II This unlocks the attack modes Aggressive Aggressive and Cautious Cautious. Aggressive Aggressive allows the squad to deal +15% more damage, at the expense of taking +35% damage; were Cautious Cautious reduces damage taken by 25%, at the expense of doing 15% less. These bonuses and penalties last until the player's next turn phase. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Identify Command Structure Alpha.png Identify Command Structure

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Popular Support Alpha.png

Popular Support II Squads gain a Morale.png morale bonus within three tiles of a base, village or town controlled/owned by faction of the player. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Advanced Archery Technique Alpha.png

Advanced Archery Technique II Increases the amount of arrows fired by archery units in ranged combat at 2+ range from 3 arrows to 4 arrows.
(Does not apply to Samurai or Blademaster)
Rescource Research Points.png 2 Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Risen Archer.png

Advanced Mobile Warfare Alpha.png

Advanced Mobile Warfare III Dragoons are now Light Cavalry Light Cavalry type, instead of Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry. This also gives them the Hit and Run.png Hit and Run trait. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Dragoon.png

Advanced Flanking Alpha.png

Advanced Flanking III +15% attack power when engaging in close range for each allied squad that is adjacent to the enemy squad. Rescource Research Points.png 3
Iron.png 3
Polearm Mastery Alpha.png Polearm Mastery

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Optimized Tactics Alpha.png

Optimized Tactics III Improves effects of attack tactics like Target Leader Target Leader, Aggressive Aggressive, and Cautious Cautious attacks. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Adaptive Battlefield Command Alpha.png Adaptive Battlefield Command

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Supply Chain Mastery Alpha.png

Supply Chain Mastery III Villages, towns, castles and bases held by the player faction now provide healing to squads within 3 tiles every turn. Requires Popular Support. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Popular Support Alpha.png Popular Support

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Archery General Alpha.png

Archery General III Infantry Archery units are now Light Infantry Light Infantry units instead of Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry units. This also gives them the Guerilla.png Guerilla trait. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Risen Archer.png

Professionalism Alpha.png

Professionalism IV New conscripts start with full class points in all tier 1 classes, starts with +3 levels and with full Loyal.png Loyalty to your cause. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Tactics techs

Gold.png Shop

Technologies and Crafts
IMG Name Tier Notes Cost Requirements Effected Units

Adept Artificer Alpha.png

Adept Artificer I Unlocks the 2nd Artifact slot for squads. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Crossbow Forging Alpha.png

Crossbow Forging I This unlocks the classes of Minimap Crossbowman.png Crossbowman and Minimap Arbalest.png Arbalest for promotions. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png

Adept Metallurgy Alpha.png

Adept Metallurgy I Grants Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry HP.png +25 Maximum HP. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png

Exemplar Titan Captain Lord Knight of Donar Captain Lord Knight of Donar

Minimap Risen Swordsman.png Minimap Risen Spearman.png Minimap Risen Warrior.png Minimap Risen Soldier.png

Steel Forging Alpha.png

Steel Forging I Improves the ARM.png Armor score of Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry by +5. Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png

Exemplar Titan Captain Lord Knight of Donar Captain Lord Knight of Donar

Minimap Risen Swordsman.png Minimap Risen Spearman.png Minimap Risen Warrior.png Minimap Risen Soldier.png

Journeyman Leathercraft Alpha.png

Journeyman Leathercraft I Light Infantry Light Infantry , Light Cavalry Light Cavalry , and Firearm Firearm Units gain ARM.png +5 Armor rating.

(Does not apply to Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png, which means the Firearm Firearms part of the in-game tooltip is false.)
Rescource Research Points.png 1

Minimap Militia.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png

Rogue Mirage Mercenary Blademaster Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar

Minimap Risen Archer.png

Journeyman Artificer Alpha.png

Journeyman Artificer II Unlocks the 3rd Artifact slot for squads. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Adept Artificer Alpha.png Adept Artificer

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Advanced Crossbows Alpha.png

Advanced Crossbows II Minimap Crossbowman.png Crossbowmen and Minimap Ranger.png Rangers gain an additional 25% bonus damage against Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry and Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Crossbow Forging Alpha.png Crossbow Forging

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Ranger.png

Minimap Arbalest.png? Mercenary?

Advanced Material Science Alpha.png

Advanced Material Science II Grants Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry HP.png +25 hp, for a total of HP.png +50 HP with Adept Metallurgy Alpha.png Adept Metallurgy. Rescource Research Points.png 2
Gold.png 2,000
Adept Metallurgy Alpha.png Adept Metallurgy

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png

Exemplar Titan Captain Lord Knight of Donar Captain Lord Knight of Donar

Minimap Risen Swordsman.png Minimap Risen Spearman.png Minimap Risen Warrior.png Minimap Risen Soldier.png

Obsidian Forging Alpha.png

Obsidian Forging II Increases Armor rating by ARM.png +5 for Heavy Infantry Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry , for a total of ARM.png +10 Armor with Steel Forging Alpha.png Steel Forging. Rescource Research Points.png 2 Steel Forging Alpha.png Steel Forging

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png

Exemplar Titan Captain Lord Knight of Donar Captain Lord Knight of Donar

Minimap Risen Swordsman.png Minimap Risen Spearman.png Minimap Risen Warrior.png Minimap Risen Soldier.png

Behemoth Leather Armor Alpha.png

Behemoth Leather Armor II Light Infantry Light Infantry , Light Cavalry Light Cavalry , and Firearm Firearm Units gain ARM.png +5 armor rating, for a total of ARM.png +10 Armor with Journeyman Leathercraft Alpha.png Journeyman Leathercrafting.

(Does not apply to Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png, which means the Firearm Firearms part of the in-game tooltip is false.)
Rescource Research Points.png 2 Journeyman Leathercraft Alpha.png Journeyman Leathercraft

Unlock 7 Tier I techs

Minimap Militia.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png

Rogue Mirage Mercenary Blademaster Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar

Minimap Risen Archer.png

Master Artificer Alpha.png

Master Artificer III All Artifacts now a reduced capacity requirement of -1. Items, such as the Elegant Blade.png Elegant Blade, have increased capacity loss of -1, thus give more capacity for squads. Rescource Research Points.png 3 Journeyman Artificer Alpha.png Journeyman Artificer

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Grapeshot Alpha.png

Grapeshot III Artillery Strikes have increased splash radius and damage. Rescource Research Points.png 3
Iron.png 3
Advanced Material Science Alpha.png Advanced Material Science

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png

Gunsmithing Alpha.png

Gunsmithing III Unlocks the classes Minimap Gunner.png Gunner, Minimap Dragoon.png Dragoon, Minimap Field Cannon.png Field Cannon and Minimap Siege Cannon.png Siege Cannon for promotion. The Minimap Dragoon.png Dragoon needs to upgrade from a tier 2 cavalry unit, otherwise all classes are avalible to any unit that can become a Tier 3 unit. Rescource Research Points.png 3
Pyrocite.png 3
Advanced Material Science Alpha.png Advanced Material Science

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png

Breech-Loading Gun Alpha.png

Breech-Loading Gun III Firearm units are no longer negatively affect by weather types Rescource Research Points.png 3 Advanced Material Science Alpha.png Advanced Material Science

Unlock 7 Tier II techs

Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png

Industrial Furnace Alpha.png

Industrial Furnace IV Lowers the required Iron.png Iron and Obsidian.png Obsidian usage for all units. Thus, a tier 3 unit requiring 2 Iron.pngIron.pngObsidian.pngObsidian.png iron and obsidian, now requires a total of Iron.pngObsidian.png 1 iron and obsidian. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Technologies and Crafts techs

Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png

Double-Capstone technology
IMG Name Tier Notes Cost Requirements Effected Units

Grand Army Alpha.png

Grand Army IV Increases the capacity of the squads by +10. It does not improve the leadership of the units. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Academy of War techs & Tactics techs

Menu Squad List.png Universal

Musketeering Alpha.png

Musketeering IV Minimap Dragoon.png Dragoon and Minimap Gunner.png Gunners units are able to attack twice in combat, doubling their damage output. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Tactics techs & Technologies and Crafts techs

Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png

Rifled Artillery Alpha.png

Rifled Artillery IV Increases range of Minimap Field Cannon.png Field Cannon and Minimap Siege Cannon.png Siege Cannon by +1. Rescource Research Points.png 4 Unlock all Tier I, II, & III Academy of War techs & Technologies and Crafts techs

Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png

This section has a table of all technology.