Zelos Spoilers

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I see it in your eyes, you and I are nothing more than killing machines. We've lost everything else to become what we are. Is all this power worth it?

Zelos is a story character in Symphony of War.


Zelos is indeed the Dark Knight, or Hand of Zanatus.

After being captured by Casamir, he is freed (and his guard...disposed of) by Beatrix's adoptive father, Pendergast.

He then proceeds to be a one-man army for your opposition.


Chapter 13 is more a playable cutscene than anything else, what with The Hand of Zanatus having roughly double the Armor necessary to take 0 damage from essentially everything, and the HP cap of 999 just in case. He's also followed by 4 rather beefy squads.

Until chapter 30 The Hand of Zanatus is more here for the story as an interesting plot device. Generally he tanks and kills everything.

As for chapter 30: Zelos enables another flying dragon squad, which can be quite powerful. Granted: at this point in the game Diana's ~999 HP is mostly just neat, and she still needs a full squad backing her up. Unless Zelos has 2 other dragonriders ready to back him up, his combination of low overall leadership at a point in the game were full squads of 9 are doing a lot of the heavy lifting can result in him being a weirdly mediocre unit. Of course: he has no qualms about disbanding his squad and just joining one of your existing flight-compatible Dragonrider squads as a 900+ HP behemoth; or any other squad where a bulky; magical AoE damage, morale-crushing machine is a good fit.

Initial Stats

Attribute Value (Foot) Value (Dragon)
HP.pngHealth Points Near Max Near Max
Weapon.pngWeapon Med None*
ARM.pngArmor High Med
STR.pngSTR High High
MAG.pngMAG Low Med
SKL.pngSKL Med Med
LDR.pngLDR Low Low
Power.pngThreat Rating High High

(*The Mixed Unit Tactic tech will give all Dragons some weapon damage.)

Zelos's stats also differ from appearance to appearance.

Chapter Availability

Blue Tile.png = Available in the chapter as controllable unit.
Skin Tile.png = Not available in the chapter.

Normal Chapters
Chapter Number Availability Note
Chapter 1 Blue Tile.png
Chapter 2 Blue Tile.png
Chapter 3 Blue Tile.png
Chapter 4 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 5 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 6 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 7 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 8 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 9 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 10 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 11 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 12 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 13 Blue Tile.png Under control, but part of the Cult of Zanatus faction. Will not join.
Chapter 14 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 15 Red Tile.png Encountered as an enemy, but as heavy infantry unit.
Chapter 16 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 17 Red Tile.png Encountered as an enemy, but as heavy infantry unit.
Chapter 18 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 19 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 20 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 21 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 22 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 23 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 24 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 25 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 26 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 27 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 28 Skin Tile.png
Chapter 29 Blue Tile.png Joins as heavy infantry unit only for this mission. Will join as a flying unit.
Chapter 30 Blue Tile.png
Gaiden Chapters
Chapter Number Availability Note
Gaiden Chapter A Blue Tile.png
Gaiden Chapter B Blue Tile.png
Gaiden Chapter C Blue Tile.png
Gaiden Chapter D Blue Tile.png
Gaiden Chapter E Blue Tile.png
Legends Chapters
Chapter Number Availability Note
Legend Chapter 1A ?
Legend Chapter 1B Blue Tile.png or Skin Tile.png Raskuja is unavailable if the chapter is played
between chapter 14 and 19.
Legend Chapter 2 ?
Legend Chapter 3A ?
Legend Chapter 3B Blue Tile.png or Skin Tile.png Raskuja is unavailable if the chapter is played
between chapter 14 and 19.
Legend Chapter 4 Blue Tile.png or Skin Tile.png Raskuja is unavailable if the chapter is played
between chapter 14 and 19.
Legend Chapter 5 ?
Legend Chapter 6 Blue Tile.png



Hand of Zanatus Dragon 3.png Zelos Dark Knight World Map.png Zelos Dark Knight Bond.png Hand of Zanatus Squad.png Chpt 29 Hand of Zanatus.png Chpt 30 Hand of Zanatus.png