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Unit Traits
IMG Name Rarity Buy Sell Notes: Found On:
Imposing.png Imposing Common Trait Scroll.png Common 140 70 Will make this unit more likely to be targeted in battle Diana Squad.png
Overpower.png Overpower Common Trait Scroll.png Common 99 49 Increases the Morale Morale damage this unit does to the enemy squad based on how high its STR.png STR is compared to its target. -
Vengeance.png Vengeance Common Trait Scroll.png Common 190 95 Increases the unit's Attack Aggressive.png damage by +25% for every incapacitated unit in this squad. -
Assassin's Heart.png Assassin's Heart Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 305 152 Increases critical hit Attack Aggressive.png damage by +50%. -
Beacon.png Beacon Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 450 225 It is a Unit Trait that provides a 25% of the amount of healing to this unit when another unit in the squad is directly healed. -
Bowmanship.png Bowmanship Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 213 106 Attack Target Leader.png Will allow any  Archery attacks from this unit to ignore the penalty for firing at Walls, or Woods from 2+ Range. -
Cold Blooded.png Cold-Blooded Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 357 178 Adds +25% damage when targeting already damaged enemies. -
Dragonslayer.png Dragonslayer Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 308 154 It will increase the unit's Attack Aggressive.png damage to 

Minimap Drakeling.png Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Dragons by +50%.

Executioner.png Executioner Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 347 173 Gives the unit a chance for an extra Attack.png Attack.png Attack.png action for every enemy below HP.png 25% HP at the end of combat. -
Healing Attuned.png Healing Attuned Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 468 234 Provides boosts to direct healing to this unit by 50%. It does not change healing obtained from Beacon, nor does it increase healing from Necromancer overheal. -
Lithe Assault.png Lithe Assault Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 253 126 Boosts the critical hit chance when the unit has a more than 100% chance to Hit their target, up to a maximum of +15% chance to critical hit. -
Pacifist.png Pacifist Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 246 123 Reduces Attack Cautious.png incoming damage by 25% and reduces Attack Aggressive.png damage done by the unit by 25%. This reduction does not apply to healing or shields created by the unit. -
Precision.png Precision Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 298 148 Bypass ARM.png Armor completely when performing Critical Hits. -
Resolve.png Resolve Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 231 115 Lowers Attack Cautious.png damage taken by 25% when it is under 50% HP.png Max HP. -
Unassuming.png Unassuming Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 102 51 Will make this unit less likely to be targeted in battle. Abigayle Squad.png
Unscathed.png Unscathed Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 248 124 Prevents this unit from being critical hit. -
Warrior's Hubris.png Warrior's Hubris Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 407 203 Grants Attack Cautious.png Bonus Resistance to Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.png Minimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).png Minimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Archmage.png Minimap Dark Mage.png Minimap Necromancer.png Magic and Minimap Drakeling.png Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Dragon attacks, based on the STR.png STR of the unit. -
Wide Guard.png Wide Guard Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 300 150 Extends Cover and Block an extra half tile in each direction. It can allow one unit in the middle column to block melee attacks on all 3 columns behind it, even though the units aren't directly behind the Wide Guard unit. -
Arcane Barrier.png Arcane Barrier Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 1090 545 Provides a shield to the unit every battle equal to 1/2 the unit's MAG.png MAG stat. -
Arcane Speed.png Arcane Speed Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 890 440 Increases the unit's SKL.png SKL by 1/3 of their MAG.png MAG stat. -
Assassin's Reaper.png Assassin's Reaper Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 557 278 Critical hits will restore a small amount of HP.png HP. -
Barricade.png Barricade Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 780 390 Will improve the ARM.png Defense of other units that are in the same row. Captain Antares
Bodyguard.png Bodyguard Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 470 235 Increases Attack Aggressive.png Damage Dealt and decreases Attack Cautious.png Damage taken by 20% if the unit is Covering the Squad Leader. -
Challenger.png Challenger Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 549 274 Increases STR.png STR by +3x at the start of battle for every unit in the enemy squad. -
Concentration.png Concentration Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 357 178 Increases Attack Aggressive.png Damage Dealt by +15%, but prevents it from being able to critical hit the enemy.
It also works to increase Staff Minimap Priestess Diagonal.png Healing and Arcane Barrier.png Shields, which can crit, but only very rarely.
Desperation.png Desperation Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 905 452 Desperation is a Unit Trait that gives this unit has a chance to take another Attack.png Attack.png Attack.png action in battle based on lower HP.png %HP remaining. -
Disarm.png Disarm Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 404 202 Will prevent this unit's primary target from counter-attacking in the same battle. The chance to Disarm an enemy is based on the unit's SKL.png SKL. It only affects the primary target, it does not trigger for area damage. -
Immortal Spirit.png Immortal Spirit Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 1046 523 It will resurrect the unit a unit with HP.png 1 HP, if the unit is taken down in combat. It work only once per chapter. Lindly but specifically just the tutorial chapter Devoa but specifically just the tutorial chapter
Rally.png Rally Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 860 430 Improve the Attack Aggressive.png Attack of other units that are in the same row. Cadet Barnabas
Scavenger.png Scavenger Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 565 282 Generate a small amount of Gold.png gold per fallen enemy defeated in any combat. The unit with the trait does not need to land the killing blow on the enemy for the Gold.png gold to be generated. -
Smite.png Smite Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 1105 552 Increase the unit's Attack Aggressive.png damage by +50% to Minimap Rogue.png RogueMinimap Assassin.png Assassin, and Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.pngMinimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).png Minimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Archmage.png Minimap Dark Mage.png Minimap Necromancer.png Magician units. -
Arcane Might.png Arcane Might Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1179 589 Increases the unit's STR.png STR by 1/4 of their MAG.png MAG stat. -
Arcane Vigor.png Arcane Vigor Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1275 637 Increases the unit's HP.png Max HP by 1:1 based on their MAG.png MAG stat. Beatrix Squad.png
Bloodlust.png Bloodlust Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1550 775 Will restore HP.png HP when an enemy unit is killed in combat. The enemy unit doesn't need to be directly killed by the unit with the Bloodlust trait for the HP.png HP to be obtained. -
Leader Traits
IMG Name Rarity Buy Sell Notes: Found On:
Archer Captain.png Archer Captain Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1150 575 Archer Captain is a Leader Trait that will make any Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png  Archery unit in the squad costs 2 less capacity. Jules Squad.png
Knight Captain.png Knight Captain Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1060 530 Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Melee Cavalry unit in the squad costs 2 less capacity. Barnabas Squad Leader.png Cadet Barnabas
Raid Captain.png Raid Captain Legendary Trait Scroll.png Legendary 3200 1600 Will make any Minimap Militia.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png Rogue Mirage Mercenary Blademaster Light Infantry in the squad costs 2 less capacity. -
Soldier Captain.png Soldier Captain Legendary Trait Scroll.png Legendary 2042 1021 Will make any Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Exemplar Titan Heavy Infantry  unit in the squad costs 2 less capacity. -
Shock and Awe.png Shock and Awe Legendary Trait Scroll.png Legendary Will make any Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png Firearm units in the squad costs 2 less capacity. Lysander Squad.png
Tundra Warrior.png Tundra Warrior Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 570 285 A Leader Trait that makes the squad immune to negative effects of Blizzard weather and Chill status, and they gain bonus evasion in Blizzard weather and Snow terrain.

The protection from negative status effects works as follows: It protects the squad against the significant accuracy loss during Blizzard weather, and prevents them from getting the Essence of Embor.png Chill status from Minimap Mage (Ice).png Ice Mage and Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Silver Dragons and Dragon Riders. It also provides a boost to movement through these tiles, making the squad more mobile on these chapters.

Jaromir Squad.png
Desert Warrior.png Desert Warrior Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 630 315 Makes the squad immune to Heat Wave and Desert movement penalty. A must-have for Legends Chapter 6: Queen of Dragons Ragavi Squad.png Narima Squad.png
Treasure Hunter.png Treasure Hunter Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1107 553 Increases the item drop rate when this squad defeats or successfully Forced Surrenders enemy squads. It also make "Open Treasure" a free action, allowing the squad to move to a treasure chest, open it, then continue their move and perform other actions (including opening more treasure chests). Stefan Squad.png
Liberator.png Liberator Uncommon Trait Scroll.png Uncommon 206 103 Will grant a bonus turn when the squad seizes an objective. Added in the skill tome pool with DLC Jules after Chapter 25 Captain Antares
Benevolent.png Benevolent Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1100 550 Adds +50% LDR Leadership growth from Force Surrender.png Surrenders. Abigayle after Legends Chapter 6: Queen of Dragons
Silver Tongued.png Silver-Tongued Legendary Trait Scroll.png Legendary 3504 1752 It increases the chances of successful Force Surrender.png Forced Surrender action against enemy squads. Its becomes possible to surrender squads with fair morale with low odds of success. Starting from fearful morale, the odds become even better and are highly likely. For squads with even lower morale, success is basically 100% with the trait. -
Garrison.png Garrison Rare Trait Scroll.png Rare 687 343 Increases damage reduction granted from terrain by 50%. -
Counterattack.png Counterattack Epic Trait Scroll.png Epic 1053 526 Increases Attack Aggressive.png damage by the squad by +25% during enemy phase. -
Unique Traits
IMG Name Notes: Found On:
Donar's Presence.png Donar's Presence squads within 3 tiles of the Hero of Legend squad gain a boost to their morale. Lindly after Chapter 17 Devoa after Chapter 17
Finish the Millenium War.png Finish the Millenium War Gives the Hero of Legend +20 CAP in their squad. It also provides a morale boost, and healing of 10% health at the start of every player phase to squads within 3 tiles. Lindly after Chapter 29 Devoa after Chapter 29
Guardian Impulse.png Guardian Impulse Chance to gain an extra action for every ally unit below half health at the end of combat. Sybil Squad.png
Monarch.png Monarch Heavy units in Jules's squad will always Cover him from targeted damage. Jules Squad.png
Mentor.png Mentor Increases the LDR.png LDR growth of units under the squad leader. Barnabas Squad Leader.png
Light's Judgement.png Light's Judgement Boosts Diana's attack power for the duration of a battle whenever she takes damage. Diana Squad.png
Mirage.png Mirage Gives Stefan an extra attack every battle, and every attack is a Stealth Attack.png Stealth Attack. Stefan Squad.png
Dragon Affinity.png Dragon Affinity Increases Dragon Classes XP Gains. Abigayle Squad.png
Guile.png Guile Allows melee attacks to target any unit in the enemy army, regardless of whether they are covered or blocked. Narima Squad.png Guy Verre Kanon
Retainer.png Retainer Jules will take 50% less damage if within 3 tiles on the tactical map (or if Narima and Jules are in the same squad). Narima Squad.png
Barek Tor Savagery.png Barek Tor Savagery Always Ambush during night time. Raskuja Squad.png
Feline Acuity.png Feline Acuity Greatly increases evasion against Stealth Attack.png Stealth Attacks. Raskuja Squad.png
Field Marshal.png Field Marshal Gives your entire army +10 hit and evade when Lysander is a squad leader and is deployed in the chapter.

Lysander Squad.png

Venerable.png Venerable Cannot be directly targeted by enemy attacks, unless the rest of the squad is incapacitated. It does not prevent damage from indirect Area-of-Effect attacks.

Lysander Squad.png

Haughty.png Haughty Beatrix is unaffected by Morale Morale (beneficial or detrimental). Beatrix Squad.png
Soul of Sayunaa.png Soul of Sayunaa

Enables 07b Swordfighter.png SwordfighterMinimap Swordmaster.png Swordmaster, and Blademaster Blademaster to automatically strike first on defense.

Ragavi Squad.png
Hand of Zanatus.png Hand of Zanatus Squad will deal double Morale Morale damage and the enemy will not surrender. The Morale Morale damage will decrease damage output of the enemy squad and decreases the odds of them acting a third time in battle. Hand of Zanatus
Shadowchaser.png Shadowchaser Provides extra movement through rough Terrain, and allows the squad to ignore enemy Zones of Control Zones of Control Kuroda Squad.png
Lucky.png Lucky Increases the chances of probabilistic events, such a critical hits on enemies, dodging enemy attacks, and inflicting status effects on enemies, but the way it works is shrouded in obscurity. Can appear randomly on Mercenaries Kaffi the Curious
Maverick.png Maverick Increases the lowest stat growth rate of a unit by 50%. Can appear randomly on Mercenaries
Prodigy.png Prodigy Improves this unit's XP, CP, and LDR growth by 20%. Can appear randomly on Mercenaries Centhos the Muse
Class Traits
IMG Name Notes: Found On:
Colossal.png Colossal unit will lose the ability to dodge and that damage can only be mitigated by improving STR.png Strength, MAG.png Magic or glancing blows. The trait also increases Morale.png morale damage dealt to squads. Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Azure King Minimap Hand of Zanatus Dragon Rider.png Titan
Guardian.png Guardian Lowers damage taken by Attack Cautious.png 25% damage during enemy phase. Minimap Fighter.png Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Drakeling.png Minimap Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon.png Minimap Blue Dragon Rider.png Minimap Red Dragon.png Minimap Red Dragon Rider.png Minimap Silver Dragon.png Minimap Silver Dragon Rider.png Azure King Minimap Hand of Zanatus Dragon Rider.png Captain Lord Knight of Donar Captain Lord Knight of Donar
Magic Armor.png Magic Armor Reduces incoming spell damage by Attack Cautious.png 50% of the ARM.png Armor rating. Minimap Acolyte.png Minimap Paladin.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Exemplar Titan
Polearm Warrior.png Polearm Warrior Increases damage versus Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Cavalry units by Attack Aggressive.png 35%, and grants immunity to Shock. It also provides a bonus to Attack Aggressive.png attack and Attack Cautious.png defence against melee to adjacent units with this trait. With the Polearm Mastery Alpha.png Polearm Mastery technology, this bonus is applied to all adjacent units even if they don't have the trait. Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png
Hit and Run.png Hit and Run Provides Light Cavalry Light Cavalry a bonus to hit and evasion when the unit is standing in open terrain and/or on offense. Open terrain are roads, grass and desert plains. Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Dragoon (after Advanced Mobile Warfare tech)
Guerilla.png Guerilla Provides the unit a bonus to hit and evasion when the unit is standing in rough terrain and/or on offense.

Minimap Militia.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png Rogue Mirage Mercenary Blademaster Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar

Bowman (After Archery General tech) Archer (After Archery General tech) Warbow (After Archery General tech) Crossbowman (After Archery General tech) Arbalest (After Archery General tech)

Stealth Attack.png Stealth Attack Allows the unit to attack rear row on the first round of combat instead of the front row.

Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Rogue Mirage Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar Strider Infiltrator Scion of Donar

Thievery.png Thievery Steal a small amount of gold from the primary target based on SKL in combats initiated by the squad.

Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Rogue Mirage

Loyalty Traits
IMG Name Notes: Found On:
Mercenary.png Mercenary Increases the capacity cost of this unit by +2. All Mercenaries initially
Non-Commital.png Non-Commital Increases the capacity cost of this unit by +1. -
Unit's capacity cost is the standard 10. All Conscripts by default
Committed.png Committed Decreases the capacity cost of this unit by -1 -
Loyal.png Loyal Decreases the capacity cost of this unit by -2. All Conscripts after the Professionalism tech
New Game+ Enemy Traits
IMG Name Notes: Found On:
Specialist.png Raid Specialist Entire squad gains a large boost to SKL while attacking from rough terrain Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png
Specialist.png Rush Specialist Entire squad gains a bonus to SKL based on how far they moved this turn Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png Minimap Skirmisher.png Minimap Ranger.png 07b Swordfighter.png Minimap Swordmaster.png
Specialist.png Charge Specialist Entire squad gains a bonus to SKL based on how far they moved this turn Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png Minimap Cavalier.png Minimap Knight.png Minimap Valkyrie.png
Specialist.png Assassin Specialist Squad gains increased Critical Hit chance while on offense Minimap Rogue.png Minimap Assassin.png
Specialist.png Spear Specialist Entire squad takes less damage and deals more damage to cavalry units Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Samurai.png Minimap Scout.png Minimap Hussar.png
Specialist.png Bow Specialist Increased damage to support/mages at range Minimap Bowman.png Minimap Archer.png Minimap Warbow.png Minimap Horsebow.png Minimap Raider.png Minimap Crossbowman.png Minimap Arbalest.png
Specialist.png Armor Specialist Reduces all incoming damage to the squad while on defense Minimap Soldier.png Minimap Zweihander.png Minimap Champion.png Minimap Spearman.png Minimap Centurion.png Minimap Sentinel.png Minimap Samurai.png
Specialist.png Anti-Magic Specialist Reduces Magic damage taken Minimap Apprentice.png Minimap Mage (Fire).png Minimap Mage (Lightning).png Minimap Mage (Ice).png Minimap Siren.png Minimap Sorceress.png
Specialist.png Bombardment Specialist Squad's long range attacks are much less random Minimap Gunner.png Minimap Dragoon.png Minimap Siege Cannon.png Minimap Field Cannon.png