Shock and Awe

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Shock and Awe is a trait in Symphony of War.


Shock and Awe is a Leader Trait that will make any Firearm units in the squad costs 2 less capacity.


Shock and Awe is a very helpful trait if you want to make a gun squad. Lysander has this trait as one of his default traits, so you may want to give his squad as many gunner and dragoons as possible. However, an all gun squad is not recommended for him or any other gun squads, as gunners and dragoons are not ranged units and are very weak against opponent's counter-attack. It's better to have tank units as frontliner in your gun squad, even if they don't benefit from the Shock and Awe trait.

But, the trait can be used in its fullest for your cannon (or field cannon) squads. Cannon squads generally don't need any tanky frontline units, as they tend to attack enemy squads from afar and avoid counter attacks.

This trait or any other traits will have no effect on the squad leader himself/herself. The squad leader will still cost 10 capacity no matter what.

Unique Mercenary with this Trait