Tundra Warrior

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Tundra Warrior is a trait in Symphony of War. Its a Leader Trait that makes the squad immune to negative effects of Blizzard weather and Chill status, and they gain bonus evasion in Blizzard weather and Snow terrain.

The protection from negative status effects works as follows: It protects the squad against the significant accuracy loss during Blizzard weather, and prevents them from getting the Chill status from Ice Mage and Silver Dragon. It also provides a boost to movement through these tiles, making the squad more mobile on these chapters.

This trait has a very limited use, but can be useful as early as Chapter 5. In total, there are 7 chapters where this trait can be beneficial: Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 19, Chapter 22, Gaiden Chapter A, Legends Chapter 3A, Legends Chapter 3B, and Silver Arenas.

Unique Mercenary with this Trait