Proof of Merit

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The Proof of Merit is a consumable item in Symphony of War.

It's main function is acting as a ~tier 4 promotion, giving a stat boost and golden sheen to units who have reached the apex of their class tree (and max class points in their class).

Using the Proof of Merit prevents any further reclassing, but does give a ~12% bonus to the unit's HP, Str, Mag, and Skl.


MHP HP.png ~+12%
ARM ARM.png 0
STR STR.png ~+12%
MAG MAG.png ~+12%
SKL SKL.png ~+12%


Proof of Merit is best used right away, the stat bump is quite noticeable and the item does nothing when sitting around in the player's inventory.

It's particularly potent on Minimap Valkyrie.png Valkyries early game, seeing as their STR.png 25 STR requirements to promote are so low Minimap Acolyte.png Acolytes can get to Minimap Valkyrie.png Valkyrie and then max CP before chptr 10.

Proof of Merit is also great option to beef up characters locked to a singular class like Jaromir Squad.png Jaromir, Barnabas Squad Leader.png Barnabas, Narima Squad.png Narima, Edelia Squad.png Edelia, & Ragavi Squad.png General Ragavi; seeing as there's no loss of flexibility in re-classing and as such no downside.

Interestingly, over half the story characters cannot use this item, were Narima Squad.png Narima is the only character with a unique class capable of benefiting from it.

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Character Gallery

Sybil's hair has a little more red than the classic Paladin, and her headpiece is entirely gold instead of white. Jules does get a small splash of gold on his bracers and shinguards relative to his standard sprites.

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