Obsidian Arquebus

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The Obsidian Arquebus is a Rare artifact in Symphony of War.


MHP HP.png -10
ARM ARM.png -2
STR STR.png +3
MAG MAG.png -2
SKL SKL.png 0
CAP +4

Effect: Squad deals +20% damage when positioned on a wall and attacking a squad that is not positioned on a wall.


The Obsidian Arquebus can be a very significant boost to damage done by Archery squads if you can position them on a wall attacking enemy squads. Kesh's Toolkit is a great complement for this artifact since you can make melee units also join the attack.

Unfortunately, most chapters are the reverse situation with the enemy on the wall and your squad on the ground, making the Obsidian Arquebus useful in only a handful of chapters.