Aetherium Gemstone

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The Aetherium Gemstone is a Legendary artifact in Symphony of War. The Aetherium Gemstone is a powerful artifact on Light squads that can significantly boost the SKL of members of the squad. The drawback being that setting MAG to zero means that it effectively nullifies any healer in the squad. Because of this, it is a good idea to outfit the squad with healing that doesn't depend on MAG, such as Everlasting Potion artifact, Bloodlust trait, or Assassin's Reaper trait.

On should also know that units with an inherent Magic statistic of 0, which are firearm units such as the Gunner, they won't benefit from an increased bonus from artifacts increasing magic. Any other unit will have a higher skill bonus, when such artifacts are added.


MHP HP.png 0
ARM ARM.png 0
STR STR.png 0
MAG MAG.png 0
SKL SKL.png +10
CAP +5

Effect: Gain SKL for every point of MAG, MAG is set to zero.


Found in the timed chest in Legend Chapter 4.