Spencer's Spectacles

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The Spencer's Spectacles is a Legendary artifact in Symphony of War. It provides complete protection against stealth attacks from Rogues and Assassins. Instead of attack the rear line, they will now only attack the front row. This means the squad doesn't need a strong back row, which can be replaced with more damage dealers or support such as mages and healers.

When fighting Assassin units, it is also a good idea to couple Spencer's Spectacles with Genbu Shell Fragment, or the Unscathed trait to stop them from performing critical hits as well.

The artifact can be found in a chest in Legend Chapter 2.


MHP HP.png 0
ARM ARM.png +12
STR STR.png 0
MAG MAG.png -4
SKL SKL.png -4
CAP +3

Effect: Squad is immune to Stealth Attack.